Conserve Energy And Save Money This Winter

Winter is here and so are inflated heating and electrical bills! How can you make some changes to your home to save a little more cash this winter?

Do you feel like you spend a ton of money on your normal utilities when the temperature drops? You are not alone. The cold weather puts stress on your heating and electrical systems as they try to keep the home at a stable and comfortable temperature while the cold tries to creep in.

There are many things you can do at home this year that will help you save money on winter utilities for years to come. Here are a few…

Add Or Update Insulation

One of the best ways to save energy in a home is to add or update old or sparse insulation. Heating a home can be difficult during the winter and is even tougher if the cold air is seeping in. If your home is poorly insulated your heating system has to work twice as hard to keep the home at your desired temperature. Adding or updating insulation will keep the heat in and the cold out! 

It will also help your home stay cooler in the summer and give your air conditioning a break, which will also save you some cash!

Fill Gaps Around Doors And Windows

If the cold air is getting into your home one of the first places you should look is around doors, windows and electrical outlets. A simple fix is to simply fill in the gaps around each of these where the cold air is coming in. Walk around your home and put your hand near the gaps, you should be able to feel the cold.

Use A Programmable Thermostat

Another way to save some money is to use a programmable thermostat and set your home to stay at a cooler temperature when nobody's home. Even reducing the temperature a few degrees when no one is home can save you a bundle on your energy bill. This is also a good practice throughout the year to keep your energy use to a minimum. You don’t want to pay to heat a house that no one is in!

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