You don't have to have years of debt or poor financial habits to have a low credit score. While you can't fix everything overnight there are a few simple habit changes that can get you on an upwards trajectory and help you stay there.
Read MoreThe holidays and debt don't have to come hand in hand every year. Here's how you can have a great holiday without drowning in debt.
Read MoreTis the season! Holiday shopping has begun and so have those growing balances. With the gifting inevitable how can you be sure you are getting the most for your money?
Read MoreLife is rarely as predictable as we would like. Disaster, illness, and unemployment can all throw a budget into disarray so how can you plan for the unpredictable?
Read MoreSince the Equifax breach many people are taking a good hard look at what they are doing to protect themselves from identity theft. One tool people are flocking to in droves is LifeLock.
Read MoreThe Equifax breach earlier this year exposed the personal and financial information of nearly 150 million Americans. If your information has been compromised it may not be immediately apparent and can take some time to get into the wrong hands. So what can you do in the meantime?
Read MoreEvery time a credit card is marketed to you the phrase 'balance transfer' is always prominent. But what exactly is a balance transfer?
Read MoreKnowledge is power. Knowing what is happing with your credit is invaluable in today's high-tech world. But which of the thousands of tools are legitimate and effective?
Read MoreIf you have been in tune with the news lately chances are you've heard of the major breach of personal and financial information at Equifax. What steps should you take to make sure your finances are protected?
Read MoreA credit card is something everyone has but not everyone understands how to use. How can you manage your credit card debt and avoid colossal fees?
Read MoreTaking control of your finances doesn't sound easy or like much fun but is essential in turning your credit around. Budgeting doesn't have to take a ton of time or stifle the fun in your life. With a few simple steps you can become more in control of your finances, get rid of some of that pesky debt and start saving more.
Read MoreIf you work in real estate or the mortgage business chances are you've had many experiences with unqualified buyers. But what if those prospects could be turned around?
Read MoreSo you are trying to get your credit in order. Naturally you may think getting rid of as many accounts as possible can only be a positive thing...right? Wrong.
Read MoreIf you have a long-term loan like a mortgage or car payment refinancing can be a great way to lower monthly payments and your interest rate. What effect, if any, does refinancing have on your overall credit score?
Read MoreHaving a savings account, of any kind, is a necessity for everyone. You don't need to have thousands stashed away if you can't manage just enough to cover an unexpected bill. Regardless of your income you can take some small steps to get started or build up that savings.
Read MoreIf you've gone to college in the past decade, or have children who are attending, you probably have student loan debt of five-figures or more. But how do those big numbers actually affect your credit?
Read MoreYou don't have to look very far to find a lender dying to get you to sign up for one of their credit cards regardless of your credit score. But how can you find the best one for you in a sea of options?
Read MoreIn any field a business runs on relationships; most importantly the relationship between the provider and the customer. One of the key components in building a strong relationship is establishing trust.
Read MoreCredit is one of those things that's easy ignore until you need it. According to Experian nearly 1/3 of Americans have credit scores of 601 or lower, which is generally considered bad credit. Aside from applying for a mortgage how does that score actually affect you?
Read MoreIt's no secret that good customer service can make or break a business. If you are a real estate agent or mortgage broker the personal service you provide is critical to your success in the long run.
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