Having and using a credit card means you may encounter erroneous charges on your statement. How can you go about fixing them and in what circumstances allow you to file a dispute with your credit card company?
Read MoreYour credit score and credit report are snapshots of your overall financial activity and financial health. Every payment you make, every credit card you apply for and every loan you have taken out are reflected there. So with that in mind, how can you improve your score?
Read MoreUnless you are using all cash you will need to get approved for a car loan and make payments over a number of years. But getting approved for a loan is not always a cut and dry process, especially if your credit isn’t perfect.
Read MoreThere are a few big ticket items that most people will purchase at some point in their lives. To make the best possible choices you need to effectively plan before you sign on the dotted line.
Read MoreIf you work in real estate in any capacity you’ve probably seen your share of clients who are excited to move forward with their goals but are held back due to bad credit. What if you could help those clients achieve their goals instead of passing over them because of their credit?
Read MoreThe most important part of responsibly using a credit card is making on-time payments. So figuring out when to pay your credit card bill should be a no-brainer, right?
Read MoreThere are many ways you can tackle your debt, one of those being debt consolidation. So what exactly does debt consolidation mean and how do you know if it is a good strategy for you?
Read MoreIdentity theft is one of the most prevalent financial crimes to befall ordinary people. But what exactly is it and what does a thief actually do with your stolen information?
Read MoreJust when you thought the summer was starting, kids are rushing out to pick up pens and binders and the latest gadgets for their next year of school. This year approach your back to school shopping with a little more strategy to ensure that you stay on budget.
Read MoreCredit is easy to ignore until it isn’t. Nearly a third of Americans have credit scores of 601 or lower, which is considered bad credit. Aside from applying for a mortgage, how does that score actually affect you?
Read MoreWhen you have decided to tackle your damaged credit it may seem like an insurmountable feat, after all it took years of damage to get to that point. But even the worst credit isn’t a lost cause, you can always recover your credit to a point.
Read MoreIf you work in real estate or the mortgage business you've had many experiences with unqualified prospects walking into your office. But you don’t have to say goodbye just because they don’t qualify for a mortgage right away!
Identity theft is one of the most stressful things that can happen to someone. Any kind of financial fraud can leave you buried under a web of confusing paperwork and legal issues, but if you act quickly you can cut it off before it gets too out of control.
Read MoreIf you have a credit card you are very familiar with your credit card bill. Every month you pay at least the minimum payment due and go on your merry way. But what do all the other terms on your bill mean?
Read MoreOne of the best ways to build up your financial portfolio is to start investing. Investing can mean having a 401(k), an IRA or getting involved in the stock market. Whichever you choose, there are a few practices and habits you will want to avoid if you want a successful return.
Read MoreEvery time you open a credit card or have your credit queried you receive a ‘credit inquiry.’ These record requests aren’t always benign and can add up to do damage to your credit score. So how many does it take to start to hurt your score?
Read MoreDebt is a part of life but many of us have gotten too comfortable with high balances and maxed out credit cards. Getting out of oppressive debt is a lifestyle change for sure, but it is something achievable with the right mindset and the right expectations.
Read MoreCredit card companies love to tout the perks that come with their cards to get you to open one with their company. But these perks are often just a sales gimmick and not something you should be basing your decision on.
Read MoreYour credit score may feel like an enigma but it is made up of a few major components that are pretty easy to understand. One of these things is your credit utilization.
Read MoreOne of the most important things you can do to take control of your finances is to create and stick to a budget. But there are some times in life when you have to revisit and make changes to that budget.
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