One of the biggest factors in determining your credit score is your payment history. Even one late payment can negatively affect your credit score. So in this busy world how can you make it easier to remember to make your payments on-time?
Read MoreIf you have attended college in the past couple of decades chances are you have some kind of student loan debt. Some people walk away with only a few thousand dollars of debt while others graduate with hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt. Regardless of the total amount you owe, how do student loans affect your credit going forward?
Read MoreThe new year is the perfect time to get your finances on the right track! While you are making your resolutions for 2022 be sure to add in a few that will help you meet your financial goals.
When you are working on your finances there are a number of terms you will see everywhere. One of these terms is ‘available balance.’
Read MoreOne of the easiest ways to learn about your financial history is to take a look at your credit report.
Read MoreThere is no better feeling than finally paying off a credit card. With the balance now at zero you may be tempted to close the account entirely -- but should you?
Read MoreTis the season for spending! If you have trouble getting through the holiday season without debt you are not alone. This year let’s shop smarter so we can have a great start to the new year.
Read MoreDo you have an emergency fund? If not, it's time to get one started! While you are not required to have one, an emergency fund is always a good idea regardless of how well-off you are.
The season for giving is also the season for scamming. How can you make sure you don’t fall victim to any common scams this holiday season?
Read MoreWhen you are reviewing your credit report what happens if you find something incorrect? You can file a dispute directly with the creditor or your can write something called a 609 dispute letter.
Read MoreAre you thinking about buying a new car? Like purchasing a house or taking out student loans, purchasing a car is a big life decision that you should not take lightly or rush into. How can you ensure that you will make a smart decision this time around?
Read MoreWe’ve all been out shopping and have been tempted by the immediate and significant savings you can get by opening a store credit card. Like everything when it comes to finances, store credit cards are neither good nor bad but should be approached with caution and awareness.
If you are looking to either build up good credit or develop better spending habits there are many options out there for you to consider. One of them is a secured credit card.
Read MoreThe goal of all debt is to pay it off and be done with it. But did you know that paying off a loan or credit card can actually hurt your credit score?
Read MoreWhenever you do anything with your credit some sort of record is formed. One of these records is called a hard inquiry.
Read MoreWhile many people are looking for help fixing their credit there are also those out there looking to build credit from nothing. If you have no credit or very little credit history, how do you get started building it up?
Read MoreOf the many things that make up your credit report and credit score, late payments play a big part. If you are trying to rehabilitate your credit and get past some late payments, how long do you have to wait until they disappear from your report?
Read MoreWhen you are thinking of buying a home it is always wise to get yourself familiar with the basics. A mortgage is an agreement made between the lender and the buyer that says if payments are not made the lender has the right to take the property back.
Read MoreThere are many bells and whistles that come with every credit card. One of the most common perks is the ability to get a cash advance on your card. But is this “perk” really worth it?
Read MoreWhen you are trying to build up your credit you want to try and get rid of any negative marks you may have incurred in the past. One of the things that you may be looking to get rid of is an eviction. How long does an eviction stay on your credit report and is it possible to get rid of them?
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